The Best Performers: How I Scaled A New Client’s FB Ads From $95k To $452k In One Month WITHOUT Running A BFCM Sale
This is going to be short and sweet because writing down everything we did will take months to write.
So I won’t focus on the tests and the “behind the scenes” for this one.
I’m just going to break down the best performers in this post!
This is my first ever breakdown so bear with me.
Here’s what we’ll cover:
- Part 1) Context/Notes
- Part 2) Best performing campaign setup
- Part 3) Best performing retargeting setup
- Part 4) Best performing ad
- Health niche
- AOV: $500
- ROAS: 4.02 (Before working with us it was 2.96)
- Margins are great. 2.9 ROAS is already profitable.
- Budget Allocation: 75% = Cold; 25% = Retargeting
- There was no real system in place and auditing took a lot of time because of the lack of naming convention. However, we saw potential for it to scale. The first few days were focused on restructuring the ad account.
- Before I even touched the ad account, I had 2 weeks to do research, make a launch strategy and create the initial ads with the team so we had time to prepare. (This was the most crucial part of the process.)
- Retargeting wasn’t solid yet so we immediately introduced one of our retargeting structures (shared the current best performer below) into the system and nearly doubled the revenue the retargeting campaigns were getting.
- The ads inside the best performing campaign are already pre-tested using our systematized testing processes and structures.
- You don’t need 4 ads inside each ad set of your scaling campaign. You can have 2, 5, or even 10. What matters is you know your numbers and you know what would make sense for your account.
- If you have other winning ads that aren’t used, you can park them inside a PPE campaign. Cycle them inside your scaling campaign when necessary.
- The objections being handled in the temporary retargeting campaign are the TOP objections they have. There are more objections to handle. And I’ll be adding them there this week.
- I’m starting to scale some of the tests because they’re working. There are more tests on the way. Most recent tests are also showing promise.
- This is just 1 ad account. There’s another ad account selling another related product and it’s getting 3+ ROAS.
- The offer is great. The funnel converts. There’s more room to scale!
Best performing campaign setup
Ad set #1: Stacked Interests (exc. Stacked lookalikes and BOFU)
- Best performing Ad #1
- Best performing Ad #2
- Best performing Ad #3
- Best performing Ad #4
Ad set #2: Stacked Lookalikes (exc. Stacked interests and BOFU)
- Best performing Ad #1
- Best performing Ad #2
- Best performing Ad #3
- Best performing Ad #4
Ad set #3: Stacked Lookalikes narrowed by stacked interests (exc. BOFU)
- Best performing Ad #1
- Best performing Ad #2
- Best performing Ad #3
- Best performing Ad #4
Ad set #4: Broad. Narrowed by age, gender, and regions.(exc. BOFU)
- Best performing Ad #1
- Best performing Ad #2
- Best performing Ad #3
- Best performing Ad #4
Best performing retargeting setup
Our temporary RT Campaign is performing best so far (spending $700/day)
Ad set #1: Lukewarm (exc. Warm-Purchasers)
- 5 ads. Handles different objections.
Ad set #1: Warm (exc. Hot-Purchasers)
- 5 ads. Handles different objections.
Ad set #1: Hot (exc. Purchasers)
- 5 ads. Handles the top objections.
Ad set #4: Lukewarm-Hot (exc. Purchasers)
- 5 ads. Handles all the objections we currently have running.
Best performing ad
Our best performing ad is a simple video.
- Person using product
- Text on image calls out market
- Shock emoji + arrow pointing to product.
Video Structure:
- Person using product (different from thumbnail) -- pop out text that calls out the target market
- Tell the market why they don’t have to stay stuck in their current state anymore
- Agitating the problem
- Introduce product - person showing the product/demo
- Different people talking about their experience using your product
Copy Structure:
Body : Call out market’s desire (different from the video’s call out)
- Let them know they can achieve it.
- How they can achieve it - intro product.
Headline: Product USP
And that’s it.
We’re on our way to hitting $700k this month. :)
Hope this breakdown gave you some ideas.